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Loveland, CO
 Spring Book Sale Friends of Loveland Public Library at McKee Community Building at The Ranch Larimer County Fairgrounds and Events Complex 5260 Arena Circle I-25 and Crossroads Blvd; Exit 259 970-962-2712
Scan below for our website and information about parking on Friday 

May 2 - 4
- Friends of the Loveland Library
- 2025 Spring Used Book Sale
- Thousands of books sorted into over 60 categories and displayed.
- Vintage Corner, Books, CD's, DVD's, more!
- WHEN: May 2, 3, & 4 2025
- Hardbounds
- Paperbacks
- Children's and Teen Books
- CDs, DVDs, Records
- Puzzles
- Audio Books
- Vintage Books
- Friday, May 2:: 3 pm - 7 pm - Friends of the Library Preview
- (You can join at the door!)
- Saturday, May 3: 10 am - 4 pm - Open to the Public
- Sunday, May 4: 11 am - 3pm - Open to the Public
- Bag Sale: Priced by the bag/container, starting as low as $5.00
- COST: Free Admission & Free Parking (see friendsofthelovelandlibrary.org for Friday parking information
- WHERE: McKee Community Building at The Ranch
- (Larimer County Fairgrounds and Events Complex; 5260 Arena Circle, Loveland, CO; I-25 and Crossroads Blvd; Exit 259)
- friendsofthelovelandlibrary.org folloveland@gmail.com
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Newtown, CT
HUGE Sale! Friends of the C.H. Booth Library ANNUAL BOOK SALE at Reed Intermediate School 3 Trades Lane (Across from Fairfield Hills) Right off I-84, Exit 11, Routes 25 and 34 203-426-4533

July 11 - 15
- July 11 to July 15 - 49th ANNUAL BOOK SALE
- Friday, 1 - 5
- $40 admission - Attendance Limited to 200
- Ticket sales start Friday at noon
- Saturday, 10 - 5
- $5 admission – Ages 18 and under FREE
- Ticket sales start Saturday at 9:00 a.m.
- Sunday, 10 - 5: 25% off day
- Monday, 10 - 7: half-price day
- Tuesday, 10 - 1: all items FREE
- Best organized, most extensive sale in the region and beyond
- Rare, collectible and noteworthy signed books and media all in one room
- All adult fiction, CDs, DVDs, LPs organized by genre
- Children’s books organized by reading level, series and subject
- Over 90 categories, including your favorites:
- Adult Fiction: classics to recent bestsellers, mystery and thriller, science fiction and fantasy, comic books, graphic novels and manga plus much more!
- Adult non-fiction: art, cinema/media and photography, computer software (including games), crafts, gardening, history (US, world, military), home improvement and many other areas
- Children's books: the biggest selection anywhere
- Jigsaw puzzles and video games
- Media: audiobooks, CDs, DVDs and LP records (33s, 45s, 78s)
- Young Adult: all the favorite authors and series
- Convenient payment options: cash, check or credit (Discover, MasterCard, Visa) and debit cards
- Unbeatable Amenities
- Contactless payment available using Square and PayPal
- Air-conditioning and plenty of on-site parking
- Secure holding areas for intended purchases available on Friday and Saturday
- Scanners and personal electronic devices welcome in sales areas
- Stockpiling and “clearing” not permitted
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Westport, CT
BIG SPRING SALE Westport Library 20 Jesup Rd. (off US Rte 1) 203-952-0070

May 16 - 19
Come to our Big Spring Book Sale Event inside the Westport Library! Once again, thousands of gently used books for children and adults, in over 50 categories, plus vintage vinyl, CDs, DVDs, ephemera, and a large selection of framed artworks, from small desktop pieces to large wall pictures.
BOOK SALE HOURS - Free Admission
Friday, May 16th -- 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. (Please note Noon start time)
Saturday, May 17th -- 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sunday, May 18th -- 11 a.m. to 4 p.m - HALF-PRICE DAY
Monday, May 19th --- 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. -- FILL OUR LOGO BAG FOR $10 each or fill your bag for $8 per, or buy individual items at half-price (your choice)
Early Access Hours, Paid Ticket-holders only:
Friday, May 16th -- 8:45 a.m. to Noon
Early Access Tickets will go on sale beginning April 15, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. (check back for more information)
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Gainesville, FL
 Friends of the Library - Alachua County Library District Book House 430 North Main St. 352-375-1676
(Across from Truist Bank)

April 26 - 30
Watch here for details on the big Spring 2025 Book Sale!
CLICK HERE for conventions followed for free listings
Andover, KS
 Andover Library 1511 E Central Ave 316-733-0958

April; Oct
- Thu 9-8, Fri 9-5, Sat 9-3
- Preview: Wed 6-8, Friends; join at door $25
- 30-35 filled tables of books; 60% donated; 50% hardcover; sorted; no buyer restrictions; paperbacks .50; hardcovers $1; Sat $5/bag
- One bookseller is allowed to remove books she wants to try to sell
Arkansas City, KS
Arkansas City Public Library 120 E. 5th Ave.

- Mon-Thu 9-8, Fri, Sat 9-6
Baxter Springs, KS
Johnston Public Library 210 W. 10th St. 620-856-5591

Belleville, KS
Belleville Public Library 1327 19th St. 785-527-5305

- Fri 8-5, Sat 8-3, Mon, Tue 10-7
- Preview: Thu 5-7pm, Friends; join at door; starting at $2 for senior citizens
- 5,000 books; 70% donated; 70% hardcover; sorted; not 'picked over'; no buyer restrictions; paperbacks .25; hardcovers .50; Mon, Tue $1/bag
Carbondale, KS
Carbondale City Library 302 Main St. 785-836-7638
April 11 - 12; May 9 - 10; June 13 - 14; July 11 - 12; Aug 8 - 9; Sept 12 - 13; Oct 10 - 11; Nov 7 - 8; Dec 12 - 13
- Fri noon-6, Sat 9-noon
- 500 books; 50% donated; 40% hardcover; sorted; not 'picked over'; no buyer restrictions; .25-$1
Colby, KS
Pioneer Memorial Library 375 West 4th St. 785-460-4470

- Mon-Wed 9-5:30, Tue 9-5:30, Thu 9-6, Fri 9-4:30, Sat 10-3:30, Sun 1-3:30
- 90% donated; 60% hardcover; sorted; not 'picked over'; no buyer restrictions; Wed, Thu half price, Fri, Sat $3/bag, Sun free will donation
CLICK HERE for conventions followed for free listings
Dodge City, KS
 Dodge City Public Library 1001 N. 2nd Ave. 620-225-0248


April 5; May 3; June 7; July 5; Aug 2; Sept 6; Oct 4; Nov 1; Dec 6
April 17; May 15; June 19; July 17; Aug 21; Sept 18; Oct 16; Nov 20; Dec 18
Douglass, KS
Douglass Public Library at: Douglass Church of Christ 201 W. First St 316-746-2600
- Thu 8-7, Fri 8-6, Sat 4-8pm
- 1,000 books; 50% donated; 65% hardcover; not 'picked over'; no buyer restrictions; Donation
Emporia, KS
Emporia Public Library 110 E. 6th Ave 620-340-6462
April; Oct
- Sat 1-4:30, Sun 1-4:30, Mon, Tue 9-5, Wed 9-5:30, Thu 9-noon
- Preview: Sat 11-1, all Friends members; join at door
- 20,000 books; 90% donated; 50% hardcover; sorted; not 'picked over'; no buyer restrictions; .50-$3, Tue $10/bag, Wed $5/bag, Thu $2/bag
Garden City, KS
Finney County Public Library 605 E Walnut St. (6 blocks east of Main) 620-272-3680
- Library hours
- 1,000 books; 75% donated; 20% hardcover; plus hundreds of LPs; .50 & up
- Finney County's Beef Empire Days
Hays, KS
Hays Public Library 1205 Main St. 785-625-9014

- Mon, Tue, Sat 1-4, Wed, Thu, Fri 10-4
Hesston, KS
Hesston Public Library 110 E. Smith 316-327-4666
Hutchinson, KS
Hutchinson Public Library 901 N Main St. 620-663-5441
- Mon-Thu 10-5 and 6-8pm, Fri 10-4, Sat 11-3
Independence, KS
Independence Public Library 220 E Maple St 620-331-3030

Iola, KS
Iola Public Library 218 E. Madison 620-365-3262

Oct 17 - 19
- Fri 10-8, Sat 10-4, Sun 1-4
- Preview: Thu 6-8pm, Friends, join at door $5
- 4,500 books; 30% donated; 70% hardcover; sorted; not 'picked over'; no buyer restrictions; Donation (some special priced); Sun $1/bag
Junction City, KS
Dorothy Bramlage Public Library 230 W 7th St 785-238-4311
Oct 31 - Nov 1
- Fri noon-6, Sat 9-2
- Preview: Thu 5-7, Friends
- 80% donated; no buyer restrictions; $1-$3; Sat 1pm: bag sale
CLICK HERE for conventions followed for free listings
Lansing, KS
 Friends of Lansing Library at Lansing Activity Center 108 S 2nd 913-727-2929

April 5 - 6; April
- Sat 9-5, Sun noon-5
- Preview: Fri 5-8pm, Friends; join at door $5
- 8,000 books; 60% donated; 50% hardcover; sorted; not 'picked over'; no buyer restrictions; $1-$2
- Credit cards accepted
Leavenworth, KS
Leavenworth Public Library 417 Spruce St
- Library hours
- Books and magazines .10 each
Lenexa, KS
Friends of Johnson County Library at: 8279 Melrose Dr 913-492-4791

- Open every Saturday 11:30-5 and Thurs 5:30-7:30 April through Labor Day
- Thousands of books
- New inventory added each week
Friends get 20% off
Liberal, KS
Liberal Memorial Library 619 N. Kansas 620-626-0180
April; Oct
- Tue-Sat, library hours
- .50 books; $1% donated; pb .50, everything else $1
Lindsborg, KS
Lindsborg Library 111 S. Main 785-227-2710
- Mon-Sat 10-6
- 8,000 books; 100% donated; 90% hardcover; sorted; $2-$10
Manhattan, KS
Manhattan Public Library 629 Poyntz Ave 785-776-4741
- Mon-Thu 9-9, Fri 9-8, Sat 9-6, Sun 1-6
Manhattan, KS
Hale Library Kansas State University 785-532-5671
Olathe, KS
Indian Creek Library 16100 W. 135th St. 913-971-6878

May 16 - 18; Aug 22 - 24; Nov 14 - 16
- Fri 9-5, Sat 10-4, Sun 1-4
- 20,000 books; 50% donated; 50% hardcover; sorted; no buyer restrictions; $1 or less;
- 40% have been scanned
- Credit cards accepted
- Mon-Thu 10-6, Fri 10-4, Sat 1-4, Sun 2-4
- 3,000 books; 90% donated; 70% hardcover; sorted; $1-$2
- 50% of the books are scanned
- No restrictions
- Credit cards accepted
Ottawa, KS
Ottawa Library 209 E. 2nd St. 785-242-3080

- Every Monday 1-2:30. Also 1st & 3rd Saturdays monthly 9-noon
- 10,000 books; 90% donated; 50% hardcover; sorted; paperbacks .50; hardcovers $1
Parsons, KS
Parsons Public Library 311 S. 17th St. 620-421-5920
- 100% donated; 75% hardcover; sorted; .50-$1
CLICK HERE for conventions followed for free listings
Salina, KS
 Salina Public Library 301 West Elm 785-825-4624


April 26 - 27
- Sat 10-3, Sun noon-3
- 1,000+ books; 20% donated; 70% hardcover; sorted; not 'picked over'; no buyer restrictions; .50-$2, Sun $5/bag (provided)
- Sat 10-3, Sun 12:30-3
- Preview: Fri 3:30-5:30, Friends, join at door
- 1,000+ books; 20% donated; 70% hardcover; sorted; not 'picked over'; no buyer restrictions; Sun $5/bag
Topeka, KS
Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library 1515 SW 10th Ave 785-580-4445

April 5 - 6; July 19 - 20; Oct 18 - 19
- Sat 9-3, Sun noon-3
- Preview: Fri 5-8pm, Friends; join at door
- 10,000 books; 70% donated; 60% hardcover; sorted; no buyer restrictions; .50-$2; Sun: $10/bag provided
- We sell online
- Credit cards accepted
- Mon-Sat 10-5
- 5,000 books; 80% donated; 65% hardcover; sorted; .50-$30 (some collectibles)
- We scan books and sell online
- No restrictions
Toronto, KS
Toronto Public Library 107 W. Main

Wamego, KS
Wamego Public Library 431 Lincoln St

Whitewater, KS
Whitewater Memorial Library 118 E Topeka

Oct 4
- Sat 9-2
- 2,000 books; 50% donated; sorted; not 'picked over'; no buyer restrictions; plus movies, mags, office equipment, costumes, toys; .25-$5
- Frederic Remington Festival - many festivities!
Wichita, KS
Wichita Public Library 223 S. Main 316-261-8500

- Tue-Fri 10:30-4:30 Call for Sat availability
- .25-$2
- Bookstore may be closed due to volunteer shortages or inclement weather.
- 2nd & 4th Mondays of the month are half-price books in the bookstore.
Wichita, KS
Friends of Wichita Art Museum 1400 West Museum Blvd
- Sat 10-5, Sun 11-5
- $1 and up
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Baton Rouge, LA
 Friends of the LSU Libraries Book Bazaar LSU John M. Parker Agricultural Coliseum 225-578-5925

April 10 - 12
- Friends of the LSU Libraries Book Bazaar
- April 10 through 12, 2025
- Thursday 9 am to 7 pm
- Friday 9 am to 5 pm
- Saturday 9 am to 4 pm
- More than 60,000 new and used books plus CDs, DVDs, and vinyl records
- Collectors' Area continues to offer rare and many books of special interest!
- Huge assortment of books about military history, art, Louisiana and the South
- Volunteers refresh the tables from unopened boxes all day, every day of the sale. Keep coming back!
- Cash, checks, debit and credit cards accepted, as are Venmo, PayPal and Apple Pay
- Attention dealers! Scanners are allowed at tables only.
- Free admission and parking
- Important! No previewing or online sales prior to Book Bazaar!
- Huge arena! Many books on display!
- Book Bazaar proceeds benefit LSU Libraries https://lib.lsu.edu/friends#bookbazaar
- Facebook: Friends LSU Libraries
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Detroit, MI
Festival of Books! 8th Annual Detroit Festival of Books (AKA Detroit Bookfest) FREE! Eastern Market Shed 5 2934 Russell Street Detroit, Michigan

July 20
- 8th Detroit Festival of Books! (aka: Detroit Bookfest) FREE!
- Sunday, July 20, 2025
- FREE entry!
- Festival takes place at Eastern Market Shed 5
- (Shed 5 is wheelchair-accessible)
- Entry is FREE!
- Our 8th Annual Detroit Bookfest will feature vendors selling.....you guessed it ....BOOKS!
- Books of all sorts: used, rare, antiquarian, unusual, ephemera, authors, etc.:
- Vendors will also be selling vinyl records, comic books, creative arts, vintage board games and more!
- Entry is FREE!
- Food, beer and DJ Seven Whales will be bringing the funk music!
- Website
- Questions
- Photos from last year
- FaceBook
- Want to see the size of Shed 5? Click here for a virtual tour
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Saint Joseph, MO
 St. Joseph Public Library at: Downtown Library 927 Felix St 816-236-2107
March 28 - 29
- Presenting 2,000 Collectible Volumes!
- Sorted into categories for easy shopping
- Friday, March 28, 9 am to 10 am
- Friends members only, but you can purchase a membeship for only $10 at the door!
- Friday, March 28, 10 am to 5 pm
- Saturday, March 29, 9 am to 5 pm
- Cash, Checks and Credit Cards accepted
CLICK HERE for conventions followed for free listings
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Lancaster, PA

 Friends of Lancaster Public Library at Franklin and Marshall College Alumni Sports and Fitness Center 929 Harrisburg Pike (for campus map see www.fandm.edu/visit 717-295-1950


June 20 - 22
- 250,000+ ITEMS!
- Books! CDs! DVDs! Records!
- Explore over 400 tables in our new location in F&M Alunmni Center on Harrisburg Pike in Lancaster
- Books are sorted into 30 categories including sets
- This year's sale also includes hundreds of unique Fine Arts books
- Painting books Photography books and more!
- Unique collections from several sources
- All books offered are being sold for the first time - NO LEFTOVERS!
- Sale Dates: June 20 to 22
- Friday, 7AM-8PM
- Saturday, 9AM-8PM
- Sunday, 9AM-6PM Half-Price Day!!
- Great Prices
- About 40% of books are priced at $2 for hardbacks & 50¢ for paperbacks
- The rest are priced Individually and include some very nice collectibles and current fiction and nonfiction. And, so much more!
- Cash, checks, and all major credit cards accepted
- PA sales tax of 6% added unless buyer has tax exempt ID
- Venue is handicapped accessible
- Free Parking
- All proceeds benefit Lancaster Public Library and Friends.
- Questions? Contact ronadams4909@gmail.com
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State College, PA
150,000+ Books! AAUW State College Used Book Sale Penn State University-University Park Snider Agricultural Arena Corner of Park Avenue and Fox Hollow Roads
(Diagonally across Park Avenue from Beaver Stadium - 800 East Park Ave., State College, PA 16803)

May 17 - 20
- 2025 AAUW State College Used Book Sale
- Exceptional quality and selection!
- Books individually priced and arranged into 30+ categories
- Children's section alone boasts over 25,000 books
- Includes puzzles, games sheet music, CDs, DVDs, audio books
- Fabulous Rare Book Room and Collector’s section
- SALE DATES: May 17-18-19-20
- May 17-18-19, 9 am to 8 pm
- May 20, 9 am to 7 pm
- Monday and Tuesday are bargain days!!
- Monday, May 19 is Half Price Day
- Tuesday, May 20 is Bag Day - $10.00 for a bag of books
- Cash, checks and major credit cards will be accepted. Parking is free.
- booksale@aauwstatecollege.org
- Learn more: aauwstatecollege.org/used_book_sale_centre_county/
- Sale proceeds are used for programs, community grants, and scholarship awards that reflect our mission to advance gender equity for women and girls.
- Shoppers: Bring your own bags and enjoy our treasure hunt!
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